Dad Fashion
Nothing like kicking off a peek into cool dad fashion with the father of soul; James Brown. Press play and scroll down!
via the
Elisa Vogt
My own father circa 1978. He was often in overalls and a plaid shirt, fixing something. Although, I think this was him trying on some kind of waterproof suit for a big ski trip. My dad was/is pretty badass. Nothing like a father who can get shit done and make things work!
Via Pinterest
Becks and daughter.
manuscript magazine
Lenny Kravitz with daughter Zoe USmagazine
Rebecca Stiles via pinterest
During my childhood, my father had a wardrobe of flannel plaid shirts and Levi's jeans. This was his style. Simple and reliable. He later moved to plain button down shirts but, always a shirt and Levi's jeans.
Later, in my teenage years, those flannels were prime target for a pair of my scissors to be cut and torn at the shoulders, to make sleeveless rocker shirts. Inevitably, they were always too big..even with the arms cut off but I kept them in my closet anyway. Just in case and because they smelt like dad.
I never thought of my father has having style, or fashion sense - probably because he didn't think of these things either. He didn't care too much for it, to be honest. Preferring, instead, to be under the hood of a car, or out in the ocean, or trekking through the snow. He was/is an outdoors man, through and through and his sense of style was a practical decision, rather than one that had anything to do with vanity.
Today, fathers are taking the front covers of magazines and men's fashion is serious business. Only 20 years ago, men's fashion seemed as limited at maternity fashion, now both have had some visionaries behind them.
Father's invoke some pretty strong memories; good and bad. I was driving the other day and saw a billboard that read "have you been a great dad today?" What the fuck have we come to? Fatherhood now needs a billboard?? Sadly, it might just - at least enough people thought it did to warrant such a big message.
Is there an item of clothing you remember of your own father? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below...or even upload a picture!
Happy Australian Fathers day